Showing posts with label fragrance. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fragrance. Show all posts

Thursday, April 9, 2020

World Fragrance Day.

World Fragrance Day is March 21. This is a good display for mixing non-fiction and fiction, A/V materials and books. Perfume, fragrance, fashion, and lifestyle are all subjects to check in your catalog. Being more flexible with how the items fit into the theme helps keep displays like this filled. 

Adult fiction was surprisingly easy to find as perfume and fragrance are popular themes but fragrance/perfume is one of those themes that are present in popular non-fiction as well. I found guides to perfume as well as histories of fragrance and various fashion houses in our collection. 

Do some quick research on the history of perfume to find materials in your collection that is tangentially connected to the theme. The idea is to help people discover hidden gems in your collection not to strictly maintain a theme. 

Other resources: 
Perfume Society

Strange History of Perfume from

The Ugly History of Beautiful Things: Perfume from 

The Fragrance Foundation - World Fragrance Day

Unshelve Your Collection - February Book Display Ideas

  I know - the year has just begun but planning displays in advance will lead to better displays and less overall stress or trying to throw ...