I know - the year has just begun but planning displays in advance will lead to better displays For example, one of the most popular displays I have put up in February for Black The other month-long events listed below definitely lead to displays with fiction, non-fiction, |
Month-Long Events Black History Month American Heart Month Great American Pie Month National Bird Feeding Month National Cancer Prevention Month National Cat Health Month National Embroidery Month National Wetlands Day Weekly Observances 2-8: Children's Authors and Illustrators Week 7-14: National Marriage Week 9-15: Random Acts of Kindness Week; Jell-O Week; Feb 27- Mar 2: National Pastry Week Days of Celebration 2: World Wetlands Day; Groundhog Day 4: World Cancer Day; National Mail Carrier Day 8: Safer Internet Day 11: National Day of Women and Girls in Science 12: Lincoln’s Birthday 14: Valentine’s Day 15: World Hippopotamus Day; International Childhood Cancer Day 17: President’s Day/Washington’s Birthday; Random Acts of Kindness Day |