
Showing posts from May, 2022

Digital Book Displays as Passive RA AND staff support for better readers advisory

Any of the major library eBook/eAudiobook vendors will allow you to set up your own displays for your patrons to discover. There are obvious uses - highlighting cultural awareness months, celebrating holidays, and participating in events like Banned Books Week.  Another great way to use them is to provide both passive readers advisory for patrons who wish to explore your digital collection on their own as well as to support paraprofessionals when they are called upon to provide readers advisory on the phone, in virtual chat, or while on a public service desk. Even if a patron wishes to read a physical book or listen to a CD audiobook, having an easily accessible digital collection/list/shelf available will give your staff a place to start. They will be able to see authors, series, and subject headings that can give them some direction.  Readers Advisory specialists can ask front line staff what kind of RA questions they are receiving and what sort of books patrons are discussing with t